Realtime Alerts

Automatically monitor real-time data across your operation

Realtime Alerts

Automatically monitor real-time data across your operation

Preset alerts

A Catalog to Up Your Efficiency

Never worry about missing important details again. SwiftCX’s vast catalog of preset alerts will have you sailing smoothly through the sea of notifications.

Custom alerts

Your Notifications, Your Way

When it comes to your business, one size doesn’t fit all. With SwiftCX’s custom alerts, you can tweak every detail to match your specific needs.

Turn on/off in one click

Manage all real-time alerts, effortlessly

We make it easy to keep track of all your automated monitoring. You can turn alerts off/on with a click. See the last time an alert fired, who made changes, and where that alert fires.

Curious Minds

Curious Minds

Curious Minds

How can I create custom alerts?

With SwiftCX’s user-friendly interface, creating custom alerts is a breeze. Define the triggers, and you’re good to go!

How are alerts sent to the team?

SwiftCX delivers alerts seamlessly via Slack on Zendesk, ensuring your team stays in the loop without skipping a beat.

Can alerts be sent to specific agents?

Absolutely! You can specify which agents or teams should receive each alert, making sure everyone stays well-informed.

Do I need any coding skills?

Nope! SwiftCX is designed with simplicity in mind. You’ll be a master of alerts in no time, coding skills or not.

Jump Aboard

Get ready to elevate your team’s productivity. Don’t let crucial information slip through the cracks. SwiftCX awaits!

2024 SwiftCX Inc.® All rights reserved.

2024 SwiftCX Inc.® All rights reserved.